
2nd ISTRO Working Group – Conservation Soil Tillage Workshop

[7th-8th September, 2021, Osijek, Croatia]


Dear members of ISTRO Working Group – Conservation Soil Tillage, and all interested,

In spite of corona related issue and real possibilities for COVID-19, as general overview and in my personal opinion, meeting was successful more than expected. Besides WG-CST members, workshop was also attended by many scientists and professionals. I wish to thank to all WG-CST members and non-members, who were able to participate on meeting.

Some results from two-day workshop meeting you may find on official ISTRO web site ( or on official CROSTRO web site ( in Book of Abstracts, which contain many results and other, I hope, interesting and useful information. All WG-CST members will receive full Workshop report.


Conclusions made after two-day Workshop meeting (many conclusions from the 1st ISTRO WG-CST can be repeated and also enriched by new ones)

  • Soil visual evaluation is a very good, powerful and useful tool for evaluation of soil/crop conditions and for prevention of many human and/or climate induced threats,
  • Although Conservation Soil Tillage play one of the main roles in sustainable approach to crop production, on global scale still not recognized in proportions which is deserved as technique for adaptation and mitigation of climate change and soil degradation,
  • Different definitions of Conservation Soil Tillage are pretty common on global scale which sometimes leads to misunderstandings in evaluation of achieved scientific and practical results,
  • Proportion of knowledge and practical experience is very heterogeneous on every level (scientists to farmers) and depends on global, regional and even on local scale,
  • Main barriers for expanding adoption of Conservation Soil Tillage can be divided on two different group: Economic and social development (knowledge, tradition, technology, science implementation etc.) and Agro-ecological conditions (climate, soil, water, crop, biology etc.),
  • Much more attention needs to be paid to soil biology, but without diminishing the importance of soil physics and soil chemistry,
  • Main reason/motivation to adoption Conservation Soil Tillage in crop production are positive financial effect, but unfortunately, the other positive effects as (reduction of soil erosion, increase biogenity and quality of soil, less traffic and soil compaction alleviation, nutritional status and quality traits of crops, weed infestation etc.), are still in the background,
  • The participants were very interested in discussing a certain topic and expressed interest in different ways of cooperation,
  • Participants agreed on a joint writing edition – Glossary of Conservation Soil Tillage. This proposition needs to be discussed with ISTRO board in details on the next meeting or most likely on main ISTRO conference in Dublin,
  • Work in WG is very good "channel" for additional promotion of ISTRO activities and has potential for attracting new members,


Next WG-CST meeting

Participants agreed with suggestion about schedule for next WG-CST Workshops in following years, in dynamics once per year. Next meeting is planning for the next year (in 2022) on main ISTRO Conference in Dublin (when will be present most of WG-CST members). So, please put these informal dates in your diaries if you are interested in participation.

From establishing up to present day, WG-CST counts 35 members from 15 different countries. Any ISTRO member, or potential member, is kindly invited and welcome to join WG-CST (there is no any cost) and can do so simply by contacting the Chair (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) of WG-CST.


For additional information please use these contacts:

  • Chair - Danijel Jug (Croatia) - (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

  • Secretary - Daniel Plaza-Bonilla (Spain) - (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)






1st ISTRO Working Group – Conservation Soil Tillage Workshop

[8th-9th September, 2020, Osijek, Croatia]


Dear members of ISTRO Working Group – Conservation Soil Tillage,
At first, I wish to thank to all WG-CST members who were able to participate on meeting, especially due to corona issue and real possibilities for COVID-19. In spite of that reason, as general overview and in my personal opinion, meeting was very successful.

As small contribution and as results from our meeting, on official ISTRO web site ( you may find Book of Abstracts, plus with some other, I hope, interesting and useful information.


After two-day Workshop meeting, as the main conclusions can be listed:

  • Visual evaluation is a very good and useful tool for evaluation of soil/crop conditions and for prevention of many human and/or climate induced threats,
  • Conservation Soil Tillage play one of the main roles in sustainable approach to crop production, but on global scale still not recognized in proportions which is deserved as technique for adaptation and mitigation of climate change and soil degradation,
  • Different definitions of Conservation Soil Tillage are pretty common on global scale which sometimes leads to misunderstandings in evaluation of achieved scientific and practical results,
  • Proportion of knowledge and practical experience is very heterogeneous on every level (scientists to farmers) and depends on global, regional and even on local scale,
  • Main barriers for expanding adoption of Conservation Soil Tillage can be divided on two different group: Economic and social development (knowledge, tradition, technics, technology, science implementation etc.) and Agro-ecological conditions (climate, soil, water, crop, biology etc.),
  • Main reason/motivation to adoption Conservation Soil Tillage in crop production are positive financial effect, but unfortunately, the other positive effects as (reduction of soil erosion, increase biogenity and quality of soil, less traffic and soil compaction alleviation, nutritional status and quality traits of crops, weed infestation etc.), are still in the background,
  • The participants were very interested in discussing a certain topic and expressed interest in different ways of cooperation,
  • Participants agreed on a joint writing edition – Glossary of Conservation Soil Tillage. This proposition needs to be discussed with ISTRO board in details on the next meeting or most likely on main ISTRO conference in Dublin,
  • Work in WG is very good "channel" for additional promotion of ISTRO activities and has potential for attracting new members,