April 30th 2020 - The latest version of ISTRO info, the August 2020 issue, is available for download.
In this issue:
- ISTRO 2021 conference
- Nominations for President-elect
- Nominations for Assistant Secretary General
- Nominations for Board positions
- New special issue on terrain-machine Interactions
- Upcoming Meetings and Events
- New Books
In this issue special, and repeated, attention for the nomintions for President Elect, Assistant Secretary General and Board positions; those interested in holding the 24th conference in 2027 should nominate for ISTRO President-elect (and thus serve on the ISTRO board). In the first instance, they should contact Secretary-General Blair McKenzie (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Assistant Secretary-General Lars J. Munkholm (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) on or before September 1st, 2020, to discuss their interest.
The Assistant Secretary General position will be vacant after the 2021 conference in Dublin where Lars J. Munkholm will take over from Blair McKenzie as Secretary General.
Nominations for minimum two and maximum four Board positions of 6 years and are now being accepted from all ISTRO members in good standing. We aim at a good geographical spread and a gender balance. The current ISTRO Board has a good geographical spread but a very poor gender balance (all members are male). Therefore, we strongly encourage our female members to consider this opportunity.
More details in the newsletter.