Welcome to the ISTRO website

On this site you will find information about the International Soil Tillage Research Organisation (ISTRO), which focusses on the impact and consequences of various soil tillage (including no-till) practices and from field traffic. More information about the organisation itself can be found on the organisation page. 

Activities organised by ISTRO and other organisations concerning soil tillage can be found on the activities page. 
Further information about recent publications are found on the publications page.


April 30th 2020 - The latest version of ISTRO info, the April 2020 issue, is available for download.

In this issue:
- ISTRO 2021 conference
- Nominations for President-elect
- Nominations for Assistant Secretary General
- Nominations for Board positions
- New S&T Research Editor in Chief – Joshua Heitman
- Central European ISTRO Conference - New date 
- CROSTRO Conference 2020 - New date
- ISTRO working group C Conservation Soil Tillage 1st meeting – New date
- Upcoming Meetings and Events
- New Books 

In the picture on the left, the University College Dublin, Belfield Campus, located in south Dublin, Ireland, where the 22nd International ISTRO conference will be held on 20-24th September 2021.

The conference theme will be: 'Soil and tillage and the transition to digital agriculture'. The article in this issue of ISTRO info says this about this theme: 'Agriculture may seem largely the same as it always has been with machines and energy used to till, sow, maintain and harvest crops for food. However, over the last few years there has been a rapid and significant introduction of digital data, computers, networks, connections, sensors and models that are beginning to change how agriculture works, the skills needed by the farming industry and research required now and in the future. The 22nd ISTRO international conference will examine where we are, and the pathway forward for soil and tillage in the age of digital agriculture. (photo: courtesy ECD).